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§ fieldworks: dialogues in psychogeography
“...a whole toy box full of playful, inventive strategies for exploring cities. Psychogeography includes just about anything that takes pedestrians off their predictable paths and jolts them into a new awareness of the urban landscape.” Joseph Hart, A New Way of Walking, 2004
Fieldworks is a collaborative exhibition and psychogeographic exploration through location specific dialogues, mapping and photography, exploring notions of identity, place and belonging.
In conjunction with the 4th World Congress in Psychogeography (6-8 Sept 2019).
Artists: Rob Lycett, Garry Clarkson, Carl Meddings, Tim Brown, Andrew Conroy, Sam Welburn.
Works exhibited by Rob Lycett:
A photo(dynamic) record of rapid movements through space (2016)
A Game of War (2015)
Huddersfield Stones (2014)
Mesostic Stones (2013)
Huddersfield Mapping (2004)
Geohack (2003)
Exhibition history >>
06.09.2019 to 28.09.2019
Fieldworks: Dialogues in Psychogeography
Temporary Contemporary [Huddersfield, UK]